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Project | 03


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Passkey allows event planners to set up room blocks for their events
So what's the problem? The Attendee Website for Passkey has become outdated and needs to be refreshed. Users want more customization options and are having problems with inconsistent text and knowing where they are in the creation process. 
What's the goal? To create a new, modern, and customizable website booking experience with consistent content that's up to date on our editorial guidelines.
How am I helping? To begin, I conducted a content audit to see what text was being used in the product and where there were inconsistencies. From there, I partnered with the User Research team to see what words our users understood and what needed to be changed. This is still an ongoing effort. 

Let's check out some text

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Redesign announcement


Since a lot of people don't like change, a redesign can be pretty scary. So I made sure everyone knew immediately that we gave them exactly what they were looking for. I highlighted where and what each change was on their homepage and why it's better in this version.

To see more or discuss possible work let's talk >>
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